NATS – Buckeye Chapter Spring Meeting 2015
April 11 at Ohio State University
President Kirsten Osbun-Manley began by thanking the hosts here at OSU.
Fall Chapter Meeting, Sept 12, 2015 at Kent State University. Plan to attend!
Spring Auditions will be at BGSU on April 2, 2016.
Norma Codispoti – NATS Foundation funds Young Artist Awards, internships, fellowships…$250 will be donated.
Stephanie Henkle – NATSAA - more information to come! Linda McAlister had a great experience.
Dean talked about the new auditions registration system. It significantly simplified the scheduling process. The gentleman who runs it fixed any issues that we had. We were able to email the members through that website. We were able to print out varying lists and schedules. Helped to preapprove repertoire. Was able to print out tally sheets, room schedules, pianist schedule,… David Tadlock suggested putting a minute or two passing time between singers. Tim Culver requested Paypal option on audition website. Officers will look into it.
Slate of officers/board members put to vote. Motion was made by K. Warrick, second by C. Billions. All present supported the slate.
Tracy gave the treasury and secretary report. Treasury is healthy. Membership is at 134, was at 132 last year. She voiced concern about members not paying dues and audition fees on time. This negatively affects the officers, host school, staff pianists, and STUDENTS!! We made many exceptions this year due to new audition scheduling procedure. This will not happen in the future.
Copyright discussion ensued. Concern regarding original scores vs. copies, imslp,…etc. Repertoire questions were stated. The officers and board will begin to discuss the repertoire and continue at the fallmeeting.
Todd Ranney voiced a suggestion to give all spring audition entrants’ composite score to compare students to see where they stack up. Concern with how with this would actually work, and the complexity of it. Norma Codispoti added that the judges’ comments should indicate the students’ level of success. There was a suggestion to have a column on the comment sheets to rate individual aspects of the students’ singing.
Kelly Burns asked why our state auditions are in the spring, not fall. Regionals used to be in the fall, but now have moved to the spring, to encourage progressive auditioning. Officers and board will meet to discuss and bring to fall meeting. Perhaps will send out survey to vote on fall or spring.
Linda Snyder (NATS President‐Elect) talked about the Univ. of Dayton’s Vocal performance institute.
o National convention is in Chicago July 8, 2016.
o You can send any comments to her!! -
Dean Southern thanked Kirsten Osbun‐Manley for her 2 years of service as chapter president.
Respectfully submitted by Tracy Grady, BNATS secretary‐treasurer