Buckeye NATS
Board Meeting August 24, 2013
President: Kirsten Osbun-Manley
Vice-President: Dean Southern
Secretary-Treasurer: Tracy Grady
Board Members: Stephanie Sikora, David Sievers, Doug Wayland, David Tadlock, Diana McCullough
Amending membership dues of By-Laws to include correct $ and deadlines and late fee; definition of active member - must have paid both National and Chapter dues; must be active to participate in auditions; By-Laws will be updated and sent to board for approval
Perhaps have a meeting of SNATS members at Spring Auditions? Think on it, and see if you can build on this at our schools.
Fall Meeting: Sept 14 at Akron U. Laurie Lashbrook is coordinating. Karen Brunssen will be presenting on the evolution of the voice (morning session); Ms. Brunssen will have a master class in the afternoon. Area college students will be singing for the masterclass.
Fall Meeting registration is due today.....!!! Kirsten will email membership today to remind/extend deadline.
Is Fall Meeting too early in school year now? See how this year’s meeting goes and see.
Perhaps begin Fall Meeting at a later time of day to accommodate those members who must
travel a distance. Would eliminate their need to stay overnight in the host city.
Volunteers to host the fall meetings are recruited at fall meeting. David Sievers is going to look
into hosting at U of Dayton.
We need to showcase the Fall Meeting to voice teachers in the state to attend and see what we
are about. Will show non-members that we aren’t just about the Spring Auditions. Perhaps collect names of these teachers from our members and have Kirsten call them and invite them to join.
Website: Denise provided login information for the new website. This will allow us to have much more information in a more modern and fresh way. Post masterclass info, member recital information, school main stage productions. Perhaps include links to sheet music websites. Perhaps add history/info page about our chapter. Have a page with benefits of being a member. Have a page dedicated to the spring audition information (categories, requirements,....etc) for everyone to access year-round.
Tracy will do more with the FB page.
Perhaps have a quarterly newsletter to the membership. Thoughts? Include things like visiting master teachers at the various schools, Alexander Technique classes.....
Discuss MT categories at Spring Auditions. 
Spring Auditions: April 11&12 at Ohio Univ.
o Book Hotel room(s) ASAP – they fill up quickly
o Friday Evening – do we really need an event? Perhaps have a social gathering at a local
watering hole? We are trying to build a community with our members. Brief entertainment during social hour? Friday evenings are always sparsely attended. Is there a risk with the Member leaving his/her students at the hotel unsupervised? Members would pay their own way at the Friday gathering. Perhaps have a very casual gathering where members can come and go as needed. 8-10pm.
o We need to clean up communication between staff accompanists and their students. OR make a rehearsal with the accompanist carry an extra fee? Increase fee to $50, and if student doesn’t contact staff accompanist, student doesn’t get rehearsal.
o Staff accompanists will have their own space to put their personal things and the scores. Room will be guarded by a student from the host school.
o Repertoire – many students bring 3 pieces that are much too similar to each other. o Put date of pieces on the entry forms.
o Have an editable PDF on the website for the registration forms.
o We must clarify Advanced and Non-Traditional categories.
Advanced will be worded: More than 8 semesters.
Non-Traditional will be less than 8 semesters and age 25+ by date of auditions
Divide MT categories? By gender? Perhaps only divide if numbers warrant. Over a number or under a number with either or combine or divide. Perhaps same with Advanced categories? If any category has less than 8 entrants, we reserve right to combine rooms.
First place song choices MUST be shorter. The winners’ recital is much too long.
Put finalists in a big group in the hall to expedite the awards.
Make awards/recital much more efficient. Organize distribution of awards.
More students need to stay for the winners’ recital!! One of the values of these events is to have our students learn by listening.
Judges forms – list rep at top and rest of sheet is blank for judges’ comments.
Workshops!!! Alexander Technique!!! Have a couple or 3 sessions throughout day.
Concert or something of the like during the Saturday?
A few categories went WAY too late, and the judges missed the lunch and the meeting.
Teachers MUST check students’ registration forms to avoid mistakes.
Copyright rules MUST be enforced!!!! http://www.nats.org/images/stories/copyright_policy_revision1-2012.pdf
NATS journal (possibly May/June of this year) has a good article on copyright laws.
Arrange pianos in the rooms so that judges can see pianist’s scores.
Some schools require originals at juries.
Recruiting new members can help get extra judges for the auditions.
Participation of current members is less than we would like!! Ideas for how to get them more involved....?
Tracy gave membership update: 142 members, compared to 135 at this time last year. o The treasury has $5824.24 currently, up about $1200 from this time last year.
Where will the Spring 2015 auditions be? Ideas? BGSU? – Doug will check.