Fall Chapter Meeting
Youngstown State University, October 21, 2017
Spring 2017 Meeting minutes were approved
Tracy gave treasurer’s report – treasury is healthy and balanced to the penny.
164 Members
Motion to donate $250 to Foundation
Jennifer Jones motion; Laurie Lashbrook second
Tim Culver: 250 singers here today
Upper categories have more than 3 pieces
10 minutes begin when singer announces first piece
Selections are to be sung in their entirety
When time is up, time is up
Likely not all repertoire will be heard
If there is a repertoire question, do not question the student, but rather make a note and discuss with tally room; still rank that singer
No need to give singers the numeric score, just ranking
NO iPads – if pianist only has iPad, the singer will sing for comments only
We are working with National to work on this and hopefully, have use of them next year
If adjudication sheets are handwritten, students will sing for comments only
Several members had issues printing the adjudication sheets
As a result of this, it is acceptable to accept hand-written sheets
If there is a question about the source of rep, wait until after singer has finished
Cancellations were shared
Auditions are open, and peers/parents are welcome
All results will be posted at 2:30 pm in the lobby and on FB
Lower categories sing in the order the singer chooses.
We are having a HS audition event 11-12:30
Independent teachers – please encourage them to join and bring students to the auditions!
Please sit next to someone new today!!
www.ohionats.org – check it out! We have testimonials from members!
The Joan Boytam award for independent teachers: can apply for this $1000!! Due Feb. 1. (teacher must not be adjunct/full time at any university)
AIMS in Graz, Austria: offering today’s students who place scholarships to the summer festival
Spring Meeting is Saturday, April 7, 2018, at Central State University: Ohio NATS Celebrates Black Singers; Dean Southern will present; LaToya Lane will present Diary of a Slave Woman; Saturday, a panel discussion
We are hoping to always have the Spring Meeting in the center of the state.
Fall Auditions are Oct. 27-28, 2018 at Cedarville University.
Regional Auditions are in March in Michigan
Linda Snyder: current National President
NATSAA: November 11 @ BGSU starting at 10 am – these are open auditions
If you are interested in serving on a National committee, let Linda know!
Las Vegas is the location of this Summer’s Conference
170 applications for break-out sessions!
Alan Henderson’s FB page – check it out – he has teasers about the headliners
Artist Advocacy
Thank you for your personal contributions
Americans for the Arts – check it out online
Ben Smolder: Miami University HS vocal competition; HS summer institute; Schmidt – check it out online!