Ohio NATS Meeting
April 1, 2017
Ohio Wesleyan University
President, Dean Southern called the meeting to order – Chris Scholl motioned, Ellen Scholl second
Thank you to Jennifer Whitehead for hosting
We are partly funded by National’s discretion fund for today’s events.
Motion to approve October minutes – moved by Joanne Uniatowski, second by Chris Scholl; all approved
Tracy Grady (secretary-treasurer) reported that treasury healthy and that we currently have 145 members
If you aren’t receiving the emails from Dean, please contact the National office. The chapter emails are coming directly through the National list.
Emeritus – full/associate members who are 68yo, and 20yrs member in good standing. You needn’t pay national dues.
Still pay Chapter dues? - Perhaps still pay dues only if you want to enter students in auditions?
Motion to have Emeritus members pay dues only if sending students to auditions
Motioned by Marc Weagraff, second by Tim Culver; all in favor
Norma Codispoti – NATS Foundation
Is an active partner of NATS
You may make a personal donation – you can find that information on the National website
Chapter voted to donate $250 in Lisa Foerster’s name – motion by Alison Acord, second by Nancy Maultsby; all in favor
NATS President Linda Snyder
There are 5 staff members assisting at the National office
Will attend the budget meeting in May
Membership numbers will be at forefront
NATS Foundation contributions were up last year
Majority of contributions are coming in with membership renewals.
Has been able to meet countless members and get feedback regarding NATS
There are many National members who are not part of a local Chapter
Was in Baltimore with Alan Henderson at MTNA two weeks ago – representing NATS
There were requests for voice presentations at MTNA – take advantage of this opportunity!
Went to National Arts Advocacy Day in Washington DC, and lobbied for the NEA
Consider becoming involved
NATS will be making resources available to members regarding this
The emails we get from National typically contain links to information regarding Arts Advocacy
This summer’s intern program is in Toronto
We have two Ohio members attending! – Neil Qiang and Kelly Burns
International Congress of Voice Teacher program - if you want to become involved, please research
Oct. 20-21, 2017 Auditions are at Youngstown State
April 7, 2018 – next spring meeting at Miami U.
Art Song Festival has moved from Baldwin Wallace back to CIM
May 14, 2017 – Eric Owens will be presenting a recital
Linda McAllister – Schmitt Foundation (HS program) – does events year-round, including a vocal institute and competitions
Marc Weagraff – Baldwin Wallace Conservatory, Summer Voice and Opera Intensive – for rising HS seniors – please send them!
Slate of Officers for next year
Thank you to the nominating committee!
President: Alison Acord
VP: Tim Culver
Sec-Treas: Tracy Grady
Board Members: Sue Wallin (3 year); Chad Payton (2 year); Debra Rentz (2 year); Jennifer Whitehead (2 year); Denise Milner-Howell will continue with her final year on the board.
Midge Karam motion to approve, Linda Snyder second; all in favor
Thank you to outgoing President Dean Southern
Stephanie Henkle - motion to close, Nancy Maultsby – second; All in favor