Spring Meeting
Capital University Conservatory of Music
April 6, 2019
Thank you to Chad and all those at Capital Univ. for hosting!
President Alison Acord called the meeting to order.
Motion to approve the October minutes
Marc Weagraff moved
Denise Ritter-Bernardini second
All present in favor
Tracy gave the treasurer’s report – treasury is currently balanced to the penny and healthy.
We currently have 140 members
236 singers, 55 teachers, 74 pianists @ Cedarville this past fall at the Auditions
Linda Synder, immediate past president of NATS
We have our first fundraising initiative – with Foundation and NATS Inc.; this also involves strategic planning – SWAT analysis
Happy 75th, NATS!!!
Thank you to all officers throughout NATS, as well as those at the National office
7200 members (about 1/3 university, 1/3 independent, 1/3 other)
15k students involved in the Auditions
There will be a survey coming out from the National office shortly – please participate!!!
Please consider donating to the NATS annual fund
Norma Codispoti
The NATS Foundation formed in 1976; supports NATSAA, the vocal ped program, the intern program
The Ohio Chapter consistently contributes
Motion to donate $200 from chapter – Dean Southern moved; second Jackie Barlow-Ware; all present in favor
Fall Auditions
Change in dates for fall auditions
October 18-19 at Univ of Toledo
Jane Atwood will be our onsite coordinator
Slate of nominees
Tim Culver is President nominee
VP nominee is Beth Porter
Tracy Grady is Secretary-Treasurer nominee
Board: 3 year – Jane Atwood
2 year – Chad Payton; Frank Ward Jr.; Andrea Chenoweth-Wells; Sue Wallin will finish out the final year of her three-year term
THANK YOU to our nominating committee
Debra Rentz; Dionne Bennett; Dean Southern; David Sievers
Motion to approve this slate of nominees
Norma Codispoti so moved
Second Denise Milner Howell
All present in favor
Denise Milner Howell: Independent Voice Teachers conference June 8 @ Weathervane in Akron. Please attend! There is a student rate – please talk with your grad students and recently graduated undergrads about attending! Technology, $$, auditioning for undergrad…etc.
Meeting adjournment