NATS – Buckeye Chapter Spring Meeting 2014
April 12, 2014 at Ohio University
President Kirsten Osbun-Manley called the meeting to order, and introduced the officers, governors and sight coordinator.
Everyone present introduced themselves.
Dean Southern (VP): we have about ½ the number of singers as we did last year. We combined for this reason; some categories were still small, so number of awards was reduced.
Fall Chapter Meeting will be at University of Dayton, hosted by David Sievers; Minnita Daniel-Cox is organizing the program; Sept. 13 – morning session, luncheon meeting, afternoon session will be lecture-recital (see below)
Minnita gave a teaser for the program – there will be a lecture-recital by the University faculty – on poetry by Dunbar set to song
2015 Students Auditions will be April 11 at a TBD location
NATS Foundation motion to donate in Doug Wayland’s honor by Laurie Lashbrook, seconded by Karen Peeler. $250
Chris Scholl from BGSU has expressed an interest to complete Doug’s term. Minnita Daniel-Cox moved to vote him onto board, second by Stephanie Henkle.
Dean Southern discussed the importance of our organization to our students. It would be so beneficial to increase the Students NATS (SNATS) groups. Please see if you can get this going at your school. Needs a NATS member faculty advisor and a minimum of 5 student members. Dean will work on getting us more information from National.
NATSAA – Jackie Barlow-Ware – please encourage your students to participate! January 2014 took place at Capital and had a great turnout. It is a wonderful bridge from graduate school to professional endeavors.
Treasury is healthy
Current membership stands at 132. Please encourage your colleagues to join!
Linda McCallister won the Great Lakes region NATSAA
Stephanie Henkle discussed perhaps moving spring auditions earlier in spring or to fall semester.
1. Perhaps switch auditions to fall and the meeting to spring?
2. Late October, early November
3. Keep next year the way it is and in the meantime discuss switching
4. Could conflict with the National Auditions
5. There will be a Survey Monkey survey to get the membership’s thoughts are on switching the auditions and the meeting
6. There will be something on the website discussing the details of the details, including that one does NOT need to move from state to regionals to Nationals, but can do these independently.
Several members are going to the National Convention in Boston this summer
June 23-27 Vocal Performance Institute at Univ. of Dayton for High School Students (info on the
Susan Graham will be at EJ Thomas Hall in Akron on the 21st of April – free for students with
their student ID!! 7:30pm
Thank you to all who attended!!!