Ohio NATS Meeting
October 22, 2022
Baldwin Wallace University
President Beth Cram Porter called the meeting to order
• April 2, 2022 minutes approval
o Minutes stand
VP Sue Wallin
o Thank you to Marc Weagraff for hosting
o Thank you to President Beth Cram Porter
o Most rooms have three judges, please determine the panel chairperson
o One judge should be the timekeeper
o We have vetted all repertoire, so no need to worry about the rep
o No crossed-out songs allowed
o iPads are allowed when using public domain or purchased music
â–ª copies are allowed when above is true
o E-board of NATS has removed all gendered language from auditions
o Lower categories, singers have three selections, may sing in any order
o Upper categories, singer chooses first piece, judges choose subsequent pieces
o Attendees may observe if you feel comfortable and there is room in your space
o All selections must begin at the beginning of the piece (so no go to B section and DC of an aria, for example)
o Scoring is from 70-100; we no longer rank
â–ª Make sure you’re scoring appropriately for their age
o Make sure your marks on the scoring slides coordinate with your overall score
o Comments based on the best practices included in your packet
o At conclusions of each category, keep all comment sheets within your category; finish scoring one category before you begin the next
o There is no conferring between judges regarding scoring
Secretary-Treasurer Tracy Grady
o Current membership is at 131
o Treasury is healthy
Ohio NATS Governor Alison Acord
o AIMS will be giving scholarships again to winners to upper categories
o Schmidt competition happened last weekend (for HS singers)
o At Miami U, there is a mock audition day Nov 12 – it’s free, but you need to register
NATS IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, and anti-racism)
â–ª There are modules to watch!
Spring Meeting Sat April 1 @ Ohio State, at Andy Blosser’s church
o Dr. Triniece Robinson Martin is our guest
2023 Oct 20-21 Auditions in Athens at Ohio University.
Feb 25, 2023 Great Lakes Auditions
Nominating committee will be formed soon to search for board members
Meeting adjourned by President Beth Cram Porter