Spring Meeting
Central State University
April 7, 2018
President Alison Acord called the meeting to order
Thank you to our hosts, Kathleen Allen and Neil Qiang
Thank you to the NATS National office for the funding through the discretionary fund to help make today possible
Move to approve the minutes from the fall meeting – Stephanie Henkle moved and Midge Karam seconded; all present approved.
Tracy gave the treasurer’s report - treasury is healthy with over 9k
Tracy gave the current membership which is at 143.
Tim gave fall auditions report: 249 singers and 64 teachers
This fall’s auditions are October 26-27 at Cedarville University
Brian Horne is our Regional Governor and joined us today. He is also the President of the NATS Foundation
Is leaving office in June
Thank you to the Ohio Chapter for the consistent support of the NATS Foundation
Thank you to Norma Codispoti for her leadership as Foundation liaison
Region’s Chapters are doing well
There have been controversial changes to timing of National competitions; also changes to auditions in general
Attendance at Regional Auditions has been down
Linda Snyder, our National President, will be joining us later this afternoon.
New Business
A new initiative from our Chapter’s Board is to create a sense of ownership within the chapter’s members
Denise Milner Howell will be our webmaster
Chad Payton is our FB guru
Any ideas? Think about things you’d like to do!
We like to try to support our members who are attending the National Conference
Give Tracy Grady $200 toward travel expenses
Dean made motion, Sue Wallin seconded
All present were in support
Our annual donation to the NATS Foundation
Motion to donate $250 – Tim Culver motioned, Joanne Uniatowski seconded
All present were in support
Donation will be to honor memory of former member, Mark Baker.
Oct. 26-27, 2018 Auditions @ Cedarville University
Capital University April 6, 2019 – Spring Meeting
TBA University of Toledo in Fall 2019 Auditions – Oct. 25, 26
Linda McAlister – on faculty @ Miami Univ
Directs the Schmidt Vocal institute and Competition
Open to High School 10-12th graders
There is prize money!
Summer Vocal Institute @ Miami University – 2 weeks @ end of June
May 21-26 Art Song Festival @ Cleveland Institute of Music
Stephanie Henkle suggested raising prize money @ auditions; Tracy will crunch numbers, and board will discuss.
Sunday 4/15 – SNATS Chat! Register online for FREE
President Alison Acord closed the meeting.