Ohio NATS Meeting
October 29, 2016
Wright State University
President Dean Southern called the meeting to order.
All introduced themselves
Thank you to our hosts here at Wright State University
Dean read an email from our NATS President, Linda Synder.
2018 National Conference is in Las Vegas
Next fall’s audition dates- Oct. 20-21 @ Youngstown State University
Secretary-Treasurer Tracy Grady gave the treasurer’s report: treasury is healthy, but today’s auditions will tax it. Membership is at 153.
Spring meeting at April 1 at Ohio Wes. University
Barbara Honn will be joining us
Morning session will be interactive lecture
After lunch, master class with students
Third session will be question and answer
Vice-President Alison Acord discussed categories that were combined
Concerns regarding combined categories and students’ length of study
10 minutes time limit categories – student will begin with piece of his/her choice; judges will then ask for other repertoire – can be all of piece or part
Students cannot be penalized for rep that adds up to more than 10 minutes.
Have your students bring receipts from purchased music or landing page from imslp
If there is a question, AFTER student has finished singing, have room monitor accompany you to the tabulation room to discuss
We are now allowing accompanists to play for 12 rather than 10 singers – if you have feedback regarding this, please let us know!
Re: scoring
Numerical score in the box (on students’ rep sheets); these scores are very useful for the students to gain perspective
Ranking on tally sheets – to be turned in to tabulation room
Nov. 12 @ Miami U – viva Miami for HS students
Nov. 19 @ Miami U – Schmitt Vocal competition for HS students
Cinda Thomas will soon be available to have master classes on Mindful Singing
President Dean Southern called the meeting to a close.