Spring Membership Meeting
April 13, 2024
Capital University
≈ President Sue Wallin called the meeting to order
≈ Motion to approve fall meeting minutes: C Payton; second A Wells
≈ Message from Ohio NATS governor Alison Acord:
o Results of fall 2023 chapter survey
o NATS homepage has many resources available to us; links available on ohionats.org o We have membership deals – also linked on ohionats.org
o Memberships fees: national office is looking at discounts for new teachers and students; emeritus status
o Chad Payton suggested that adjunct faculty be offered a discount
o Social time!
â–ª Monthly zoom cocktail/mocktail party
â–ª Zoom presentations
â–ª Mentorship programs
o Other ideas? Let Sue, Andrea, or Alison know!
o Zoom presentation ideas:
â–ª Continuing education
â–ª Build tenure file (peer review invitation)
â–ª Build professional file (peer review invitation)
o Mentorship
â–ª Beginning this summer
â–ª Chad Payton: needs to not JUST be seasoned/college mentors
≈ District Governor is becoming District Membership Director
o Anyone interested? Let Sue know!
≈ Secretary/Treasurer Tracy Grady gave report
o Treasury has about $5100
o Membership stands at 105
≈ VP Andrea Chenoweth Wells
o Fall auditions at Ohio University
â–ª 35 teachers
â–ª 139 singers in person; 23 online
â–ª 162 total singers
o Linda Synder’s message (past NATS president)
â–ª NATS is 80!
â–ª The History of NATS (book)
â–ª Is being scanned
â–ª Creating an 80th anniversary fund to recognize volunteers
o In order to increase prizes, we need to raise an additional $1500/year; Andrea is happy to help! o Trying to set up a high school scholarship program
â–ª Need to raise $1500-2000
o We can also sponsor a prize, which can be named as you would like
â–ª You can sponsor a prize in perpetuity
o Anyone have any fund-raising ideas? Talk with Andrea!
≈ Fall 2024 Auditions are Oct 18-19 @ Kent State
≈ 2025 Great Lakes auditions will be in Detroit
≈ 2024 Great Lakes auditions were fantastic!!
≈ Next Spring we will have 4 Board Positions open; President and Vice President will also turn over; Sue will set up a nominating committee this summer
≈ Audition categories
o Many regions have two days of auditions to allow for the increased number of categories â–ª We cannot do this fall 2024, but looking further into the future
â–ª This presents issues with not having enough judges
o Any thoughts/ideas? Talk with Sue!
â–ª Joanne Uniatowski: perhaps have adult/grad levels on Friday?
â–ª We will keep children online
â–ª NATS is requiring anyone under 18 (including college first years) to have an adult chaperone (cannot be teacher or pianist)
≈ Chad Payton moved to adjourn; Marc Weagraff second
≈ Meeting adjourned